Great News! is now a service provider for the HKSAR government's SOA-QPS5! is now a service provider for the HKSAR government's SOA-QPS5! Limited (利金科技有限公司) is awarded by the HKSAR government, to be a service provider under the Standing Offer Agreement for Quality Professional Services 5 (SOA-QPS5) in below catagory.
Category A: Pre-implementation, programme/project management services, ongoing services, implementation and combined system development services.
(Ref. GCIO90525965–A-J-C24)
The Standing Offer Agreement for Quality Professional Services 5 (SOA-QPS5) enlarges the Government’s delivery capacity for IT services and accelerates the delivery of IT solutions to support the increasing demand of digital government services. The contract period of SOA-QPS5 is from 31 January 2022 to 30 January 2026.